Frequency Dependence Studies of Acoustical and Thermo-Dynamical Parameters of The Binary Mixtures of Isopropyl Sulphide And Acetic Acid

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Dev Priya GUPTA
Mohit Kumar KAKKAR
Kuljeet SINGH
Devinder Pal SINGH


Using thermal expansivity and ultrasonic velocity data for the binary mixtures of isopropyl sulphide and acetic acid, at room temperature, a number of acoustical and thermo-dynamical parameters such as Moelwyn-Hughes parameter (C1), reduced volume ( ), fractional free volume (f), repulsive exponent (n), Sharma’s constants (S0), isobaric (Gb), isochoric  (Gc), isothermal Gruneisen parameters (GT), Bayer’s non-linear parameter (B/A), Lattice Gruneisen parameters (), cohesive energy density (ei) and interaction parameter (z ) has been evaluated. The frequency dependence of these parameters has been investigated at various concentrations of the binary mixture under study, within the frequency range 1-7 MHz. The variations of these parameters with change in the composition of the mixture and variation of frequency of the ultrasonic waves, propagating in the medium, have been used to explain the molecular interactions, anharmonicity and structural information about the systems under study. The obtained results indicate a decrease in intramolecular modes of vibration and anharmonicity in liquid mixture at higher frequency. These also suggest that binary mixture of isopropyl sulphide and acetic acid becomes less associative and hence weak interaction forces dominate at higher frequency.


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How to Cite
2020. Frequency Dependence Studies of Acoustical and Thermo-Dynamical Parameters of The Binary Mixtures of Isopropyl Sulphide And Acetic Acid. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 17, 2 (Dec. 2020), 128–134.

How to Cite

2020. Frequency Dependence Studies of Acoustical and Thermo-Dynamical Parameters of The Binary Mixtures of Isopropyl Sulphide And Acetic Acid. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 17, 2 (Dec. 2020), 128–134.

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