Phenomenological Model of Propagation, Evolution and Destruction of Multiphase Aerosol in High-Frequency Acoustic Field

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Vladimir KHMELEV


The paper was presented a phenomenological model of propagation, evolution and destruction of multiphase aerosol under the action of external forces by high-frequency acoustic field. The model describes evolution of the dispersion composition of the aerosol cloud in time and space under the action of external forces. The model is based on the idea of aerosol as a continuous medium with the equivalent characteristic– in calculating particle concentration of each fixed chemical composition from the substances, which differ in density, of each fixed velocity. Developed model allowed revealing complex theoretical dependences of coagulation efficiency of two-phase aerosol in the model extensive channel on
the different parameters both the particles (the initial sizes, the velocities of each phase, the ratio of phase densities, the ratio of the phase concentrations) and gas flow (the velocity, the density) carrying the aerosol cloud.


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2020. Phenomenological Model of Propagation, Evolution and Destruction of Multiphase Aerosol in High-Frequency Acoustic Field. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 16, 1 (Mar. 2020), 3–9.

How to Cite

2020. Phenomenological Model of Propagation, Evolution and Destruction of Multiphase Aerosol in High-Frequency Acoustic Field. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 16, 1 (Mar. 2020), 3–9.


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