Lamb waves, guided waves in plates
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In another difficult moment of the world, in 1917, an illustrious English mathematician, Sir Horace Lamb (1849-1934) published his theory on elastic waves that can propagate in plates, which today bears his name. He graduated from Trinity College in Cambridge in 1872 and pursued a teaching career at the Universities of Cambridge (1872-75), Adelaide (1876-85), and Manchester (1885-1920). He taught pure and applied mathematics as well as fluid mechanics. His publications: Hydrodynamics (1895), Elementary course of infinitesimal calculus (1897), Dynamic theory of sounds (1910), Statics (1912), Dynamics (1914), have been highly appreciated and used for many years in the universities. He was a member of the Royal Society since 1884, president of the London Mathematical Society (1902-04) and was knighted in 1931.
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