Stability of Triangular Equilibrium Points in the Photogravitational R3BP When both Primaries are Oblate Spheroid and Effect of Radiation

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Avdhesh KUMAR
Ashish Kumar SHARMA


In this study, we have examined the stability of triangular equilibrium points in the photogravitational restricted three- body problems (R3BP) as well as the effect of radiation where both primaries are oblate spheroid. Results confirm the position of triangular equilibrium points of our problem and it also depicts that the equations of motion are affected by radiation pressure force, oblateness and source of radiation. Stability conditions were discussed using the characteristic equation. All classical results involving photogravitational and oblateness in R3BP may be verified in the near future employing this result.


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How to Cite
2020. Stability of Triangular Equilibrium Points in the Photogravitational R3BP When both Primaries are Oblate Spheroid and Effect of Radiation. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 17, 1 (Nov. 2020), 10–15.

How to Cite

2020. Stability of Triangular Equilibrium Points in the Photogravitational R3BP When both Primaries are Oblate Spheroid and Effect of Radiation. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 17, 1 (Nov. 2020), 10–15.