Computational Analysis of Acoustic Transient Phenomena with MTMM for Vibro Cleaner

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Vipulkumr ROKAD
Divyang H PANDYA


In cleaning Industries, Vibro Cleaner has unique impact for removal of contaminations like rust, dirt, oil etc. from critical objects. This is completely safe for humans and non-hazardous for nature. The aim of this research is to improve the efficiency of vibro cleaning process by using multiple transducers model matrix (MTMM) with 40 kHz frequency transducers. For the investigation, COMSOL Multiphysics software has been used by clubbing acoustic and CFD approaches in pressure acoustic transient module. By effect of cavitation erosion phenomenon, recommended results in cleaning erosion rates have been achieved and importance of placement of transducer also has been found out using different matrix in various models. Here among all matrix, The Erosion rate 9.62 x 10-3 kg/m2s has been obtained maximum in transducer matrix of 2 transducers at bottom with 1 transducer at each 4 sides of tank.


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How to Cite
2023. Computational Analysis of Acoustic Transient Phenomena with MTMM for Vibro Cleaner. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 20, 1 (Aug. 2023), 13–19.

How to Cite

2023. Computational Analysis of Acoustic Transient Phenomena with MTMM for Vibro Cleaner. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 20, 1 (Aug. 2023), 13–19.

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