Modal Analysis of the Inertial Platform of the Laser ELI-NP Facility in Magurele-Bucharest

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Polidor BRATU
Nicusor DRAGAN
Calin ITU
Cristina Marilena NITU


Starting from the need to determine the deformability of the inertial platform from the Research Facility of ELI-NP in Magurele-Bucharest in case of changing the position of some very heavy partition walls, a vibration study of the entire inertial platform was made. The research team studied various aspects of this issue and some of the results were published. The paper presented the obtained results of the dynamic analysis, in a unitary approach and with the conclusions that emerge from these researches. The results may be useful in the study of problems of anti-vibration isolation of very large masses, generally used in research infrastructure.


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How to Cite
2023. Modal Analysis of the Inertial Platform of the Laser ELI-NP Facility in Magurele-Bucharest. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 19, 2 (Mar. 2023), 112–120.

How to Cite

2023. Modal Analysis of the Inertial Platform of the Laser ELI-NP Facility in Magurele-Bucharest. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 19, 2 (Mar. 2023), 112–120.

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