Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vibratory Compaction of Weakly Cohesive Soils

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Carmen Nicoleta DEBELEAC


The compaction of weakly cohesive soils presents particularities in terms of improving the geotechnical properties under the loads transmitted into the terrain. In this case, the evaluation of the compaction process requires the development of a roller-terrain interaction model whose constitutive parameters are directly correlated with information available from laboratory and in-situ experimental tests. A simulation model is implemented in Matlab on the basis of the mathematical equation of a Kelvin-Voigt lumped vibratory system. The simulation results are presented and compared to the experimental investigations results obtained for a road structure modernization project (Romania, DN 2, km 39+200, Movilița site).


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How to Cite
2023. Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vibratory Compaction of Weakly Cohesive Soils. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 19, 2 (Mar. 2023), 143–148.

How to Cite

2023. Experimental Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Vibratory Compaction of Weakly Cohesive Soils. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 19, 2 (Mar. 2023), 143–148.

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