Polynomial Functions in Robot Dynamics

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Iulia Cristina MARE


In the present paper, motion trajectories corresponding to the working process for a multibody system, specifically a serial robot structure, have been studied. Within working processes, robots perform mechanical motions, where active forces are governed by laws of temporal variation, thus inducing higher-order accelerations in the mechanical system. These accelerations become essential in the analysis of acceleration energies. The study of advanced dynamics of multibody systems, often characterized by symmetry, is approached by applying differential and variational principles, frequently utilizing Lagrange–Euler equations, as well as Gibbs–Appell equations, where the central function is represented by the acceleration energy of first order. Considering these aspects, in this paper will be determined generalized inertia forces, as components in dynamic control functions of the mechanical systems.


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How to Cite
2024. Polynomial Functions in Robot Dynamics. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 20, 1 (Jun. 2024), 91–102.

How to Cite

2024. Polynomial Functions in Robot Dynamics. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 20, 1 (Jun. 2024), 91–102.