The Dynamic Model of Tubular Vibratory Mill with Rotary Chamber and Double Lateral Drive

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Cristian PAVEL


Tubular vibratory mill with rotary chamber and double lateral drive was developed following research by specialists to improve the performance of vibratory mills. This paper presents the dynamic model of a tubular vibratory mill that is driven by two adjustable speed electrovibrators, operating independently of each other. The authors of this article propose - for half the tubular vibratory mill - a dynamic model which is designed as a rigid body with three degrees of freedom. Using the kinetostatic formulation, the differential motion equations of the vibratory mill are obtained. Finally, the calculation model is used to determine the vibration parameters of the PALLA-U 20 vibratory mill (Germany), whose construction is identical to the type specified in the title of paper.


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2018. The Dynamic Model of Tubular Vibratory Mill with Rotary Chamber and Double Lateral Drive. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 15, 1 (Aug. 2018), 64–69.

How to Cite

2018. The Dynamic Model of Tubular Vibratory Mill with Rotary Chamber and Double Lateral Drive. Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 15, 1 (Aug. 2018), 64–69.


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[23] * * * Prospekte der Firma Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG Koln (Humboldt-Schwingmühle) PALLA 20 U.

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