RJAV, vol. 19, issue 1, 2022

Published: 2022-03-28

Impedance Boundary Conditions on The Optimal Design of the H-Type Cylinder Resonator Using Transmission Matrix Method and Genetic Algorithm

Yosi Aprian SARI, Agung Bambang Setio UTOMO, Prof., Mitrayana MITRAYANA, Dr., Danang LELONO, Dr.


Evaluation of the Dynamic Regime Upon Trial of An Elastic Beam Excited by Vibrodyne

Nicusor DRĂGAN, Gigel Florin CĂPĂȚÂNĂ, Aurora Maria POTÎRNICHE


Sensitivity of Progressive Collapse of MRF to Redundancy Factor

Amin GHANNADIASL, Assistant Professor, Saeed MORTAZAVI, Hassan REZAEI DOLAGH


Frequency Estimation using Spectral Techniques with the Support of a Deep Learning Method

Cristian TUFISI, Andrea Amalia MINDA, Daniela-Giorgiana BURTEA, Gilbert-Rainer GILLICH
