Wording instructions for articles sent to be published:  download here...

  • text worded in MSOfficeWord, font TimesNewRoman, size 11
  • page settings: A4 format, margins 2x2x2x2 cm
  • formulae settings: adequate to the main size 11
  • formulae numbering: at their right side
  • tables: worded in a separate folder having the consecutive number and the name mentioned above
  • figures, images, diagrams: eachone in a separate folder, .jpg or .gif type; the roll containing the folder name, the figure consecutive number and its name will be worded in a separate folder (word type)
  • scanned images will be processed by the author so that their quality be upper (the figures,images and diagrams, whose quality is not suitable for their reproduction using customary printing, will be returned for retouching)
  • bibliography should be worded in a standard manner; the numbering will be inserted in square brackets

Wording instructions for articles sighting out the following areas:

  1. book review  from RJAV thematic domains:
  • first cover image: folder .jpg or .gif type
  • text: worded in MSWord, font Arial, size 11.
  1. firms advertising,  whose activity matter is harmonizing with RJAV thematic domains:
  • worded in MSWord or in .pdf format, in ready-to-print configuration
  • page settings: A4 format, margins 2x2x2x2 cm
  1. interest information  from RJAV thematic domains:
  • images: separate folders .jpg or .gif type, along with a folder containing their roll;
  • text: worded in MSWord, font Arial, size 11.