Acoustic Fields of Circular Cylindrical Hydroacoustic Systems with a Screen Formed From Cylindrical Piezoceramic Radiators
Main Article Content
The "through" problem of radiation of sound by a screened circular cylindrical hydroacoustic system was solved by the method of coupled fields in multiply connected regions. At the same time, the specific values of the electric excitation voltages of the radiators are put in correspondence with the sound pressures formed by the system at any point of the environment surrounding the system. Analytical expressions describing the acoustic, mechanical and electrical fields of the system are obtained. These expressions take into account the interaction of the elements of the system in the external environment during the formation of the acoustic field and the interaction of these physical fields in piezoceramic radiators with circular polarization when they convert electric energy to acoustic. A violation of the radial symmetry of the acoustic loading of the radiators in the system is established and quantitated, while maintaining the radial symmetry of their electric loading. A consequence of this is the expansion and enrichment of the spectrum of natural frequencies of the radiators in the system. Resonance frequencies appear, which are 1.5-3 times smaller than the natural frequency of piezoceramic envelopes of radiators with comparable radiation efficiency.
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How to Cite
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